May 9, 2014

Fall Back to the Hot Gates

(Ed note: Cap City's back at it. Can't keep the man off the keyboard)

Well, my nerves are shot, I used the Lord’s name in vain several times over the course of the evening, and the series is now tied at 1-1 heading back to the District. It turns out Indiana can play a little defense. Actually, given that we scored 66 and 73 points in two separate games this year, we already knew that, but last night was impressive. Excuse my Spanish, but what the fuck Roy? Apparently they cleared up whatever little locker room misunderstanding they were having and he’s decided to play basketball again. Although Hibbert is rightfully being given credit for stepping up, it should be noted that Gortat had an equally impressive game, going 10/15 from the field and snagging 11 boards.

Sticking with the positivity, we had a lead with under five minutes left in the game while 1) we shot 5/12 from the line and 5/21 from three 2) John Wall shot 2/13 for really his first bad shooting performance so far in the playoffs, and 3) Roy Hibbert remembered he was 7’2 and had an unbelievable game. We still stole one on the road and frankly looked like a better team in both games, so I’m confident going into Game 3. A few quick thoughts and notes:

May 5, 2014

Midwest Matchup

(Editor's Note: Here at ZA, we're prone to waxing philosphical. But once in a while you need to dig in to the numbers. Luckily, for that we've got the best in the biz, our Chief Intern and CFO, Cap City. Below are the fruits of his labors. Enjoy!)
You know the old saying “April showers bring May Wizards playoff basketball games?” Well, it came true again this year! After a brief five-year hiatus, the Wiz are playing for a chance to get to the Eastern Conference Finals, and unlike their past three appearances they will not have to face Lebron James to get there. Instead we get the Indiana Pacers, the bullies from the big city, one of the best of the Midwest, who somehow tricked their way past the 8-seeded Atlanta Hawks in the first round. To know someone, you must first know where they come from, so here is a brief breakdown on DC and Indianapolis: